The bright light of the rising sun represents the luminosity, the beauty inherent in each human being and our capacity to transform evil into good and to establish authentic human relationships. The closeness of the celebration of Christmas envisions the coming of the Light and Peace for the world, the One that fulfils the greatest aspirations of any person and leads us all to God.
Love for The Earth,
Love for Humanity
The bright light of the rising sun represents the luminosity, the beauty inherent in each human being and our capacity to transform evil into good and to establish authentic human relationships. The closeness of the celebration of Christmas envisions the coming of the Light and Peace for the world, the One that fulfils the greatest aspirations of any person and leads us all to God.
The fisher represents the laborious presence of the human being in the world, administrator and steward of a wounded earth as we celebrate during this Laudato Si’ Jubilee Year proclaimed by Pope Francis. His new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, calls for an urgent common effort of solidarity, social friendship and fraternity to avoid our planet’s destruction and the downfall of humanity. The several hands in the picture symbolise the need for pulling together, diverse as we are, to achieve that dream.
Could the Pandemic Create a Less Exclusive Economy?
THE COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the global crises that were already there, the recognition of a dysfunctional economy and the driving force behind highly unequal societies—which favour new paths, fears and hopes, but the future remains unknown.